Nat. Genet:帕金森氏病6个新的遗传危险因素
作者:admin 时间:2014-07-31 点击数:
2014年7月30日讯 /生物谷BIOON/--近日,科学家们新近确定参与帕金森病的二十几个遗传危险因素,包括以前没有被报道过的六个遗传因素。这项研究发表在Nature Genetics杂志上。
揭开帕金森的遗传基础对于了解这一复杂疾病的多种机制,以及找到有效的治疗方法是至关重要的。Andrew Singleton博士和他的同事们收集和综合现有的全基因组关联研究(GWAS)数据,试图找到患者的基因变异或细微的基因差别。收集到的数据来自约13,708帕金森氏症病例和95,282对照者,所有人均为欧洲血统。
Large-scale meta-analysis of genome-wide association data identifies six new risk loci for Parkinson's disease
Nalls et al.
We conducted a meta-analysis of Parkinson's disease genome-wide association studies using a common set of 7,893,274 variants across 13,708 cases and 95,282 controls. Twenty-six loci were identified as having genome-wide significant association; these and 6 additional previously reported loci were then tested in an independent set of 5,353 cases and 5,551 controls. Of the 32 tested SNPs, 24 replicated, including 6 newly identified loci. Conditional analyses within loci showed that four loci, including GBA, GAK-DGKQ, SNCA and the HLA region, contain a secondary independent risk variant. In total, we identified and replicated 28 independent risk variants for Parkinson's disease across 24 loci. Although the effect of each individual locus was small, risk profile analysis showed substantial cumulative risk in a comparison of the highest and lowest quintiles of genetic risk (odds ratio (OR) = 3.31, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 2.55–4.30; P = 2 × 10?16). We also show six risk loci associated with proximal gene expression or DNA methylation.